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Volunteer With Us!

Set Up Volunteer

Arrive at 10:45am to help set up market as needed. Set up pop up tents, tables, chairs, and water station, put up signage, direct vendors to assigned spots.


Info Booth

Work with a farmers market committee member to assist shoppers with questions during market hours. 2 shifts - noon to 1:30pm and 1:30pm to 3:00pm.


Clicker - shopper counter

Sit in a chair at market entrances and count shoppers as they enter the market. 2 shifts - noon to 1:30pm and 1:30pm to 3:00pm. Please arrive a few minutes before your shift starts and download a counting app, such as Tally Counter  - Click & Count in advance. At the end of your shift, report total count to market info booth.


Breakdown Volunteer

Help breakdown the market after closing at 3:00pm. Put away tables, tents, and equipment, take down signs. Help direct vendor traffic out of the parking lot.


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